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By Frank Yaconis
This past decade has seen some amazing revelations in the medical and health world, including the discovery that chronic inflammation can most likely be linked to a host of serious illness and disease including cancer, diabetes, and even Alzheimer’s.
Researchers were stunned about 10 years ago to discover that the body’s super immune response to invasion could also be attacking and injuring the body after its work was done.
A Time Magazine article showed the link between inflammation that has gone haywire and become chronic and how it can trigger the release of chemicals, damage otherwise healthy tissue, and make people not only more likely to have a heart attack or stroke, but even put them at greater risk for colon cancer.
Nopalea Juice is said to help people with inflammation. It is made out of a natural anti-inflammatory – the prickly pear cactus.
Dr. Mehmet Oz was ahead of the curve in preaching the benefits of this native Sonoran desert plant that naturally fights inflammation. He has featured the plant on two episodes of his television show. In one episode, he named it as one of the seven natural wonders of the world, and showed how it can help people with diabetes regulate blood sugar levels because it is so highly fibrous. On other episode, he praised it for its ability to cure the symptoms of overindulging in alcohol.
In a recent article in Oprah’s magazine, Dr. Mehmet Oz shared a few tips to help people keep CRP levels low. CRP, which stands for C-reactive protein, is something in the bloodstream, which indicates high levels of inflammation.
Here are Dr. Oz’s five tips to reduce the CRP levels:
1. Eat a little dark chocolate. According to Oz and Oprah’s magazine, an Italian study showed that dark chocolate in moderation could keep CRP levels low. But he cautions that this means no more than about one-fifth of a candy bar and only two times a week. That means about 20 grams twice a week and it must be a candy bar that states it is 70 percent cocoa or more.
2. Increase fiber intake. According to Oz and Oprah’s magazine article, a study in 2006 showed that people who consumed a high-fiber diet had lower CRP levels than others. They were 63 percent less likely to have this problem of elevated levels. Oz says the simplest way to increase fiber is to leave the skin on the produce you consume. In addition, or instead, you can also add one teaspoon of psyllium (a natural fiber supplement) to a glass of water or juice each day.
3. Take a Vitamin C supplement of about 1,000 milligrams each day.
4. Follow the Mediterranean diet, which means concentrating on fish, nuts, seeds, fruits, vegetables, and olive oil. He recommends that people eat omega-3 rich fish, such as trout or salmon, three times a week.
5. The easiest way to work on lowering your CRP levels is to get tested. That way you can nip any problems in the bud now.
About the Author: Frank Yocanis has been researching and writing about
Anti Inflammatory Diet
for the past decade. He has even traveled to the Sonoran desert half a dozen times to study how Nopalea contains amazing properties that help with all kinds of joint pain, including
joint inflammation
. He is excited to share how this antioxidant-rich drink can change your life.
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