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Being a pet owner carries a lot of responsibilities. The loving pet owner will more likely be treating his or her pet as a member of the family, as his or her child even. Some of these responsibilities would sometimes include having to spay or neuter the pet. The primary purpose of the spay or neuter is population control of the animals. A clinic that offers Spay and Neuter Leawood KS understands that there are several different reasons to have your cat or dog spayed or neutered. Following are some of these reasons.
• Spaying is removing the ovaries and uterus of the pet while neutering is removing the testicles of the pet. This procedure will keep the pet close to home and improve his or her behavior.
• The spaying procedure will help your pet live a longer life. It will be a part of helping to prevent breast cancers and uterine infections. The breast cancers are about 90 percent fatal in cats and 50 percent fatal for dogs. If you can get your pet spayed before she first goes into heat, you will cut down on the chances of the pet getting the disease.
• Neutering your dog or cat before they are six months old will help to prevent him from getting testicular cancer.
• Spaying and neutering not only helps to control the pet population, it keeps from having a lot of strays roaming the streets. Many of them are eventually picked up and euthanized.
• If you spay or neuter, you will find it to be more cost effective in the long run than the expenses you will incur if your pet has a litter of puppies or kittens. Visit website for complete details about the Spay and Neuter in Leawood, KS.
Cherokee Animal Clinic has been offering pet care and grooming solutions for pet owners in the Leawood, Kansas area for over 20 years. The clinic’s services include but are not limited to boarding, emergency issues, grooming, wellness care, dental solutions, pharmacy, radiology and alternative medicine. The clinic also offers orthopedic surgery for your pet. If you are looking for a clinic that offers Spay and Neuter Leawood KS, visit the website of Cherokee Animal Clinic at http://cherokeeac.com.