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Submitted by: Jim Kesel
The Mastervac vacuum cleaner line offers a wide variety of vacuum cleaner designs for every situation. Mastervac is a company that has been in the vacuum cleaner industry for a long time now. They have consistently produced valuable vacuum cleaner models as well as authentic vacuum cleaner parts that have produced countless satisfied customers. Their vacuum line mostly includes durable heavy duty vacuums for professional and industrial use.
Being designed for commercial or heavy duty use, the Mastervac vacuum cleaner line is comprised of several quality vacuum cleaner models. Such model includes the Ex-Demonstration Mastervac 12 and Ex-Demonstration Mastervac Hornet. Both are tub vacuum models with varying power and specifications. You can benefit from these models for use in houses, schools, industrial workplaces, and on anywhere where powerful vacuum cleaning is needed.
The Mastervac 12 is a big seller among the Mastervac vacuum cleaner customers. Known for doing heavy and constant work but still retains its durability. This reliable workhorse is often chosen by contract cleaners and industrial cleaners for reliable and substantial use. Its large 21 liter tank capacity can accommodate more than the average industrial vacuum cleaner capacity. It has a powerful 1050 watt cold motor with long life reaching up to 2 to 3 years. The excellent filtration system allows thorough segregation of filtering materials. This unit also boasts of low operational noise levels as well as overload protection to avoid motor damage. If on rare occasions maintenance is needed, spare parts of this model can be easily replaced. Parts are readily available from several online sources.
The Mastervac Hornet is another powerhouse among the Mastervac vacuum cleaner models. Also a heavy favorite, the Hornet features an ultra powerful 1200 watt motor with the same long life warranty as the Mastervac 12. The Hornet possesses excellent noise cancellation features to give out very minimal noise in operation. Despite its power, the Hornet is surprisingly lightweight, weighing only 5.7 kilograms. It is built tough and is hard to topple thanks to its furniture guard and wheel positioning. The Mastervac Hornet is appropriate for light to heavy commercial use, and is capable of cleaning small to medium sized homes or offices.
The Mastervac vacuum cleaner line also features other vacuum models for wet vacuum cleaning. The Mastervac Wetmaster 17 is one model that is capable of both dry and wet vacuuming. It is so efficient that it could remove virtually all fluid on a surface in seconds. When on its dry vacuuming mode, the Wetmaster does not take any damage when water is accidentally picked up. Another model, the Mastervac Spraymaster 25 is ideal for pressure washing a surface and suctioning it dry. This is suitable for cleaning heavy carpets in nursing homes, schools, offices, reception halls and the like. The Spraymaster has a unique intelligent pressure switch to help reduce the wear on the pump giving it a longer life.
Whether for home or workplace, Mastervac offers a premium line of quality vacuum cleaners. Choose one from a wide array of Mastervac vacuum cleaner models to best suit your needs.
About the Author: James Kesel,MS is the publisher of the
Vacuum Cleaner Information
website at http://www.vacuum-cleaner-information.com. Providing information on all vacuum cleaners including Kirby, Dirt Devil, Romba, Dyson, Eureka and
Mastervac Vacuum cleaners
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