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By Claire Quaty
My grandmother is not as healthy as she used to be and she cant get around or make dinner for herself like she could in the past. She lives in a high-rise that provides meals once a day but she doesnt always make use of that service. She complains of being too tired to go downstairs for meals or to make meals for herself in her apartment. I talked to her doctor and hes worried that, unless she eats better, the substantial weight loss shes already had is only going to continue. For that reason, he recommended meal replacement drinks for her that she can use between meals to boost her overall caloric intake.
You need to understand, though, that my grandma doesnt take advice easily and has ideas of her own. Her husband took meal replacement drinks just before he died and she thinks they taste terrible and are only for the dying. I told her that there are many more kinds and varieties of replacement drinks nowadays, but she was still reluctant to try them.
Finally, another relative of ours found a way to trick her into trying these supplemental drinks. He knew she was always a fan of milkshakes but that she didnt often get a chance to have one because her blood sugars arent great. So, he borrowed a cup from a nearby ice cream shop and filled it with her favorite flavor strawberry. Only this time, it was the meal replacement drink. He mixed it up with some real strawberries and ice and gave it to my grandmother. Well, believe it or not, she drank the entire cupful and thanked him for his kindness. It was only after she drank it that he explained to her that she was drinking a meal replacement drink. She was sure riled up at first but then decided that drinking one of those drinks every day wasnt such a bad idea. She asked where she could get more of the stuff in her favorite flavor, of course.
In a short period of time, my grandmother has made great strides toward having more strength and physical energy. She had clearly undernourished before she started the supplements and was not taking her medications on a full stomach like she was supposed to. Shes getting better nutrition from these drinks and she feels much better, too. Shes branched out to different flavors so she doesnt get sick of taking the same thing all the time and shes up to two cans of supplement per day. Because shes pre-diabetic, shes made use of the newer supplements made specifically for diabetics that dont allow for much blood sugar fluctuations. Shes even gained some weight.
Now, my husband was a bit confused by all of this. He thought that meal replacement drinks were only for people who want to lose weight. Nothing could be further from the truth. While there are special weight-reduction drinks, thats not the kind my grandmother uses. I found out that they make supplement bars as well that taste kind of like an energy bar or candy bar. My grandmother has tried these as well. The meal replacement bars are good for those who need supplementation but who want something solid in their stomach.
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